Monday 11 November 2019

Tiny World

Look at this miniature scene made by two of the girls in the class. A tree, pond and some tiny people. It all sits in the palm of a hand.
Can you guess who made it?


  1. This tiny world looks like a house on a mountain. What is the time of the tiny world? is it in the future or the past?

  2. WOW looks amazing! I like how it has so many details. But What is that gold stuff on the tree?

  3. Tiny world was amazing it was so cute I liked how it was all so tiny! I wonder how you could fit all of that on that piece of land!

  4. I was fascinated by the minuscule design. It looked like much older kids made the tiny world. Those two girls should be very talented. My question is, how long did that take those two girls to construct that tiny island?

    By Kaniksta

  5. I like the way you made the tiny island. I think that looks like a lake at the park. I might have been to a place that looks like that. How where you able to glue the tiny, tiny pieces on the tiny green land?
