Monday 11 November 2019

Tiny World

Look at this miniature scene made by two of the girls in the class. A tree, pond and some tiny people. It all sits in the palm of a hand.
Can you guess who made it?

Bike Track

On Wednesday, our school bike track was officially opened by Ms Driver and Mrs Venville. Room 17 students had a turn to bike and scooter around the track. We had lots of fun.

Thursday 7 November 2019

Sign Language

The Year 4 team are learning a song in New Zealand sign language. Here is the video for students to learn.

Sunday 3 November 2019

Character Parade

The book character parade was a great hit throughout the school. Our class had fun when Geronimo Stilton led Room 17 around the hall.

What cup?

We all dressed up for Black Out Day to show support for the All Blacks at the rugby world cup. 
That didn't quite go to plan...
Jimmy and Geena were celebrating Chinese language week and Chinese culture by dressing in traditional costumes.


Well done to Laaibah and Yifan who received certificates at the Kauri Whanau assembly. Ka Pai!

Monday 23 September 2019

Service September

Last week, the Year 4 Team went for a walk to the Rotary Walkway near our school. We were armed with gloves and rubbish bags and picked up lots of rubbish by the sea and also on the way back to school through our neighbourhood.
We collected a whole rubbish sack of items made from plastic, glass, aluminium, tin and paper.

Sunday 8 September 2019


On Thursday at swimming, our class put on life jackets and worked on our water safety and confidence. It was challenging and lots of fun.
See more photos here.

Friday 30 August 2019


Well done Milana, Shreya and Yifan. These three students represented Room 17 at the Year 4 poetry reading celebration.
We have been working on reading fluently with good pace, phrasing, volume and expression.


Well done to Indigo who received a special award for writing her own poem to read to the class.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Maths in action

On Monday our class estimated how many students we could fit in our empty school pool if all the students were standing up.
Two groups of students measured the sides of the pool to find out the dimensions. 

Then we calculated the area of the pool.
After that, we found out how many students could fit inside a square meter and multiplied that by the number of square meters in the pool. Depending on how many students we squashed in one square meter, we estimated that we could fit around 1300 students standing up in the empty pool.


On Thursdays, we have swimming lessons at the Lloyd Elsmore pools. The Field of Dreams lessons are taught by qualified swim instructors.
It is great when all the students remember their togs and can enjoy the pool.


Well done, Laaibah who performed in the weekend at a festival celebrating Pakistani culture. She dressed in a beautiful costume and looked like a star.

Wednesday 14 August 2019


Here is a cartoon Geena made. She has made a play on the different meanings of the words "six-pack".

Tuesday 13 August 2019


On Friday night the PTA held the school discos. The Kauri Whanau disco was lots of fun with hundreds of students dancing. There were many impromptu conga lines too.


Well done to Lucas who received a certificate at our school assembly on Friday. Lucas demonstrates his Growth GEM by applying himself to learn new Mathematics strategies.

Works of Art

Room 17 students worked with Mrs Harding to make art in our Te Reo lessons. The korus each represent a member of our whanau (family). We will reveal the finished artworks soon.

Thursday 25 July 2019


We are learning about coordinates in Mathematics. To help us learn about this concept we played the game Battleship. Players drew their ships on the playing board and then tried to sink their partner's ships by calling out coordinates.


Well done to Matthew, who received a certificate at the last school assembly. Keep using your GEMS.

Monday 22 July 2019

Art Exhibition

Our Treasure Boxes looked fantastic at the art exhibition. We decorated our boxes with pictures and symbols about where we come from and things that are special to us.


We had a visit from the NZ Playhouse Theater Company who delighted us with a drama performance. It incorporated characters from a variety of fairytales to tell a tale of how we can work together and help each other.

Tuesday 25 June 2019


On Friday at the Kauri Whanau assembly, Aaron and Tayla received certificates for their hard work, positive learning attitude and good manners. Well done!

Jammies in June

On Thursday some students came to school in their PJs. Families donated 300 pairs of PJs and over $1200 to help others!


Our PTA Wheel-a-thon was a successful event with students cycling or scootering for half an hour to help raise money for a permanent bike track for the school. A fun way to get some exercise and enjoy the beautiful weather outdoors.