Monday 11 November 2019

Tiny World

Look at this miniature scene made by two of the girls in the class. A tree, pond and some tiny people. It all sits in the palm of a hand.
Can you guess who made it?

Bike Track

On Wednesday, our school bike track was officially opened by Ms Driver and Mrs Venville. Room 17 students had a turn to bike and scooter around the track. We had lots of fun.

Thursday 7 November 2019

Sign Language

The Year 4 team are learning a song in New Zealand sign language. Here is the video for students to learn.

Sunday 3 November 2019

Character Parade

The book character parade was a great hit throughout the school. Our class had fun when Geronimo Stilton led Room 17 around the hall.

What cup?

We all dressed up for Black Out Day to show support for the All Blacks at the rugby world cup. 
That didn't quite go to plan...
Jimmy and Geena were celebrating Chinese language week and Chinese culture by dressing in traditional costumes.


Well done to Laaibah and Yifan who received certificates at the Kauri Whanau assembly. Ka Pai!